Den 22. juni samlede omkring 30 unge sig foran den canadiske ambassade i København, for at vise deres solidaritet med de kæmpende canadiske studenter og deres kamp for gratis uddannelse. Manifestationen var arrangeret af individuelle studenter med støtte fra Danske Studerendes Fællesråd. Tilstede var også repræsentanter fra Socialistisk Standpunkt.
De canadiske studenters kamp er vigtig for de danske studenter, både som symptom på den stigende klassekamp I alle udviklede kapitalistiske lande, men også fordi de danske studenter også er under konstant angreb fra regeringen. Retten til at børn af arbejderklassen også kan få en universitetsuddannelse er en vigtig landvinding for arbejderbevægelsen I Danmark og skal ikke bare forsvares, men udbygges. I den kontekst er de canadiske studenters kamp en enorm inspirationskilde for de danske studenter, hvis studenterorganisation (DSF) har været rimelig passiv I besvarelsen af nedskæringerne de seneste år.
Det følgende åbne brev fra studenterorganisationerne i Sverige, Norge og Danmark blev overrakt til den Canadiske ambassade, og er en indikation på at de canadiske studenters kamp allerede har haft en vis effekt i Danmark og i DSF. Den danske sektion af IMT, Socialistisk Standpunkt, vil gøre hvad vi kan for at implementere erfaringerne fra Canada og ikke mindst kampviljen fra studenterne i Quebec
Open letter of support
Here in the Nordic countries, universal access to free education is a no-brainer. Why? Because we know that education is the ultimate investment in the future. In Denmark, Norway and Sweden, in addition to not having any tuition fees, all students receive a monthly grant to cover some of their living expenses. This obviously results in high taxes, but free education reduces social inequality, and benefits both the individual and society in the long run. An educated population equals a strong, stable state, ready for the future – simple as that.
Although the struggle in Quebec has received alarmlingly little media coverage here in the Nordic countries, it has still been possible for us to follow the impressive student movement with great interest, via Facebook and international media.
The students of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as represented by their respective student unions, are amazed and humbled by the dedication and persistance of the Quebecois students. We cherish our educational systems, but they too are under constant political pressure, and education may not remain free for us in the future.
Today, on June 22nd, there are protests all over the world in support of the Quebec student movement. To show our full support, this afternoon, students and other supporters will protest in front of the Canadian embassy in Copenhagen, and deliver a declaration of support from the Nordic student unions to representatives from the embassy.
The tuition fee hike in Quebec is not an isolated problem, but part of a global educational crisis, against which we must stand together to stop.
Signed by
Danske Studerendes Fællesråd
Norsk Studentorganisasjon
Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer
(the student unions of Denmark, Norway and Sweden)